(Dr.Rajendra Dhamane)
Janaa是一个贫穷的农村女孩。她是个寡妇,患有精神疾病,在全村引起了轰动。丈夫自杀后,她患上了精神疾病,导致了一种复杂的精神障碍,迫使她没有合适的衣服和洗澡。作为一名女性和一名精神病患者,她成为社会的嘲笑和歧视的对象。 淘气的孩子们用石头打她,母亲们以疯狂的詹娜的名义威胁他们的孩子。她的哥哥萨加和嫂子都很穷,做着卑微的工作。她妈妈缝制自制的床垫。詹娜的侄女Chinu,一个上学的女孩,非常爱她。她的哥哥Sagaa和她的嫂子打了她,把她关在一个房间里,因为她在整个村子里都在纳闷。 Santu是Janaa的近亲,经常来她家表示同情。有一天,他把她带到一个甘蔗农场附近,强奸了她。 Janaa总是在呻吟,生活在她自己的世界里,不能把这件事告诉任何人。 当她开始晨吐时,她的家人知道了发生在她身上的事情。萨加因为说出了和她上床的人的名字而狠狠地揍了她一顿。她的姐夫把她当婊子对待。 狡猾的Santu也问她和她通奸的人是谁。当她试图指出他的名字,他打了她,并计划结束她。 在萨加和他的妻子的帮助下,他捡起了Janaa,并把她扔进了森林深处的食人虎地带。

Janaa is a poor village girl. She is a widow and mentally ill who wonders in whole village. After the suicide of her husband she became mentally ill and it led to a complex mental disorder forcing her to roam without proper clothes and bathing. As a female and a mentally ill, she becomes a subject of derision and discrimination by the society. Mischievous children beat her by stones .Mothers threaten their children in the name of mad Janna. Her brother Sagaa and her Sister-in-law are poor and do menial work. Her mother sews homemade mattresses. Janna’s niece Chinu, a school going girl, loves her a lot. Her Brother Sagaa and her sister-in-law beat her and confine her in a room, as she is wondering in whole village. Santu, a close relative of Janaa, often comes to her home and shows sympathy towards her. One day he entraps her near a sugarcane farm and rapes her. Janaa who is always moaning, lives in her own world, and is unable to tell this incident to anyone. When she starts morning sickness, her family got acquainted with what has happened with her. Sagaa beats her a lot for telling the name of the person who slept with her. Her sister in law addresses her as a bitch. Santu who is a devious person also asks her about the person who did adultery with her. When she tries to denote his name he slaps her and plans to finish her off. With the help of Sagaa and his wife he picks Janaa and throws her away in the zone of a man-eater tiger in the deep forest.